Post Pavilion is an adaptive boundary curated by the community.

This dynamic landscape is highly variable. Climate change is accelerating the geological trend of barrier island drift, and predicted sea-level rise will create unforeseeable physical transformations. Each year we will discover the negotiation between sea and shore in new form, as dunes shift and grasses drift.

A Dune Fence is a demarcation of human activity that protects fragile areas prone to erosion. The Post Pavilion is a celebration of the Dune Fence, a way of marking both protected and leisure areas while providing a temporal infrastructure for beach recreation.

On an individual level, community members are able to personalize their summer experience

In late March we walk the beach to learn how the dunes have changed shape and make note of the areas vulnerable to erosion. We place a Dune Fence to remind ourselves of the boundaries of the fragile landscape.

The Post Pavilion is an extension of the fence: a temporary pile driven each year outside the protected areas which marks a habitable zone.

Each season, the Post Pavilion will be subtly different

The community will have the opportunity to configure the poles to respond to changes in the coastline and to add features that are aligned with Bellport’s summer calendar.

Flags, markers and mementos form an ongoing narrative. Our concept acknowledges both the impermanence and vulnerability of the coastline as well as the timeless joy of spending a day at the beach.

The beach doesn’t have a fixed address, but rather it is a moment in time that exists as a new relationship that we discover. Each time we go to the beach, we see a new place. In our yearly migration across the bay we discover new shapes of dunes and sand.


Design Team

Elizabeth Roberts
Elliot Meier 



The Result

An adaptive boundary curated by the community.

Architecture | Interiors / Objects